Going Native – Partly

Using more native plants in gardens and outdoor spaces is gaining in popularity for many reasons. These plants are suited to the local environment and require cold winter weather and spring melt water to thrive and reproduce. They can support a complex web of organisms, beneficial pollinators, insects, and plants as part of the overall […]

Gardening and COVID-19

COVID-19 is affecting everyone in previously unimaginable ways and creating stresses and adjustments. Perhaps more than ever, gardening now offers a life-affirming comfort that stretches back millennia. Starting plants from seeds provides as well, a practical response to uncertainties about what items will be available later this spring and summer in garden centres, nurseries, and […]

Selecting Plants for Green Walls

It is only in the past few decades that green walls have become a way for displaying, using and enjoying plants in workplaces, public institutions and homes. New techniques and materials are being introduced which allow green walls of various sizes to be more easily and successfully enjoyed. Research is also revealing a growing appreciation […]

Growing Food in Small Spaces

Growing fruits, vegetables, herbs and edible flowers is possible, even where small spaces are available in your garden, deck, balcony and home. New varieties of tomatoes and other plants, which can grow in containers and smaller spaces, are now available. Also, there is a new appreciation of the colour, texture, and overall appearance of some […]

Container Gardening

Container gardening is a wonderful way to add colour, interest and variety in gardens as well as enable people with balconies and small spaces to enjoy gardening. Containers are also a convenient and practical way to grow many herbs, vegetables and fruits in small areas. Plant Choices: Ideas about container gardening are evolving and yet […]