Who We Are

Marilyn Whitaker, founder and director of Oasescapes, is a graduate of the Horticultural Industries Program (with Honours), Algonquin College, and also completed courses in the Horticulture Technician Program, Algonquin College. She has a Masters of Environmental Studies from York University. Marilyn started work as a researcher and planner on residential issues, becoming a senior manager with the federal government. Gardening has been a long-time past-time. As a volunteer with the Sandy Hill Tree Group, she is working with the city and property owners to enhance green spaces in this downtown neighbourhood.

Gordon Macy is an Algonquin College graduate in the Developmental Services Worker program and has worked with people with disabilities. From a young age, Gordon showed an interest in gardening and has studied such aspects as horticultural therapy and completed horticulture courses at Algonquin College.